Flagstone floors and timber walls adorned with monochromatic images of Sanskrit steles and Taj Mahal snapshots belie the heat being produced in the kitchen at Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor. India’s best-loved celebrity chef, Sanjeev Kapoor, is the driving force behind this fine-dining destination. Here, artfully presented dishes showcase iconic ingredients in ingenious new ways.
First, watch the master chefs at work in the interactive kitchen. Then, let the multi-layered flavors of signature dishes transport you to India. In between each course, cleanse your palette with an icy passion fruit panna or a reinvented kokum masacola.
Signature by Sanjeev Kapoor is open for lunch and for dinner.
Lunch: from noon to 3pm
Dinner: from 7pm to midnight
23 Kuwait Street, Port Rashid , 52700 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 386 8111
Fax: +971 4 386 8222
Email: hb394@accor.com